Kenapa Kita?
“Too many possibilities in this world and how could we
become one?”
Kalimat itu terus
berputar di kepala Dira. Bahkan ketika ia kini sedang dalam pelukan hangat
seorang laki-laki yang begitu ia sayangi.
“Jakarta luas ya?”
Ucap sosok itu sambil
memandangi luar jendela, hamparan kota dengan begitu banyak gedung tinggi
terlihat di hadapan mereka.
“Hmm.” Sementara Dira
hanya mengangguk sambil mengeratkan pelukannya pada pinggang laki-laki
Begitu banyak pula harapan di luar sana.
Adalah apa yang Dira tidak
ucapkan—tidak berani ucapkan. Dira menahan tangisnya kuat-kuat, ia tidak ingin
segala yang ia pikirkan kemudian menjadi beban pikiran laki-laki tersebut.
“Too many possibilities in this world and how could we
become one?”
Akhirnya pertanyaan
itu terlontar dari mulutnya.
“Maksud kamu?”
“Ya..iya. Begitu
banyak kemungkinan yang ada di dunia dan kenapa kita yang harus dipertemukan?
Kita dengan berbagai masalah yang ada?”
“I think it’s just a fate?”
“What fate? Does fate even literally exist?”
“Kamu kenapa?”
“Aku kenapa? Dunia ini
yang kenapa?” Tanya Dira begitu lirih, masih dalam pelukan laki-laki itu.
“Look. I never ask to met you, i even never ask you to love me. But then
we just met, and boom...everything fell not into its place. Everything went
wrong. I told you, many times, to stay away. To not seeing me again. But you
always there. Until i give up and finally have a thought of ‘well maybe this is
time to take a faith again’. But now? What?”
Dira mencurahkan
segala resah yang sudah ia tahan selama beberapa minggu terakhir.
“I dont even know if you worth the fight? I dont even
know what i stand up for? And why the fuck i’m still here? What am i really
searching for? I’m very scared of the world. What does the world really plan
for us?”
“Terlalu banyak
pertanyaan, Ga. Cant we just giving up?”
“Giving up? Is that really what you want?”
“Does what i want really matter now? I think there is
fate which will just contror our life as it wants?”
“Cara kerja dunia ngga
begitu, Ra.”
“Terus kamu tau gimana
caranya? Spill it, then.”
“Me dont know neither. Tapi satu hal yang aku tau dan percaya,
selama kita usaha, hasilnya ngga akan mengkhianati kita.”
“Really, Arga? Because it’s not working like that in my
life. I love people, with all of my heart. I fight for them, i always stand for
them. And you see? You see how they always leave me and betray me? Hasil ngga akan mengkhianati usaha? Well,
Ga, at least in my case, let say i
just never get the result of what i’ve fought for.”
“Kamu belum dapet
hasilnya karna memang usaha kamu belum selesai, sayang. The world still want you to fight, to love many other people. Your
fight hasnt done, Ra. And i think
this is just another fights.”
Air mata mulai merebak
di mata Dira, “We become one of all
possibilities in this world, you asked me why? I ask it everyday, too. We are
same, Ra. But the difference is, i
never ask if you are worth the fight or what i stand up for. I always know that
you will worth every fights, and i know i stand up for us; the pleasure of us
being together.”
Air mata Dira akhirnya
tidak tertahankan lagi. Untuk kesekian kalinya ia menangis di pelukan Arga.
“I know you’re scared, i know you lost your faith, i know this world is
fucked up. But one thing, Ra, just
never lose yourself.”
Raga melepas
pelukannya dan menggenggam bahu Dira dengan kedua tangannya, menatap Dira tepat
di kedua bola matanya, “And now, i want
you to ask yourself, does she still want to be here and fight? Because if the
answer is yes, then i’d be glad to accompany her fighting this fucked up world.
And tell her, we might find the answer why we become one of all possibilities
in this world, or we might not. But it’d be alright since we found each other
in this very much possibilities in the world.”
“Now tell me, what she’s saying?”
Di ruangan segi empat
dengan jendela kecil di dalamnya, dua individu yang memiliki masa lalu
masing-masing, dua individu yang memiliki perasaan masing-masing, berusaha
saling menguatkan; saling menggenggam tangan erat-erat. Dua individu itu sama-sama
ketakutan, namun mereka yakin pada satu hal. Keyakinan yang akan terus mereka
genggam bersama dengan kasih antara mereka.
I know now, sometimes it’s not about the world. But sometimes it’s about a
person that means a world. And for me, that is you.
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